
My Reminiscences

By A.K.G.

Once upon a time…
so innocent a babe I was as I came into this world.
A daughter, the pride of my folks, they were really proud
never thought to become a juvenile delinquent nor a dunce
or lead anybody, dominants and dominies alike, a pretty dance
With what appeared to be silly and absurd rules they did reign.
More don’ts than do’s, like “Don’t play under the rain.”
Anything to the contrary led to a harsh punishment.
To moral behaviour supposedly it was a nourishment. 
“More power to your elbow! Make obedience a practice.”
But no! All meant nothing and was beneath my notice.
‘The proof of the pudding is in the eating’ one of the ‘old school’.
By gad! How I honestly wish that I had kept my calm and cool.
I guess the onlooker sees most of the game wherever he be.
Look at me now lamenting, wishing, if only … then … maybe.
Every fibre of mine has broken gradually, piece by piece.
I’m left to fake and feign that I would fain have my peace.
Is it I, or the world which is churlish and cruel?
Back then it mattered not if for dinner was gruel.
But now as I meditate upon the past years
grief engulfs me amid uncontrollable tears.
But hope is not lost for I’ve got a new resolve.
The puzzle of life likely to identify and solve
My losses and profits are about equal so my soul sings.
What you make on the roundabouts, you lose on the swings.
Though my name has been dragged through the mire
My personality is still intact for all to admire.

Flower Deflowered

By J.M.

My brokenness hurts
tears well in my eyes
The archaic hand of culture 
cut away my blossom
And no one, absolutely no one, sees my tears
or cares as I grieve

My pretty bloom matter not:
Petals fall.
My nectar, sweetest part of the flower, 
Hidden in the secret place
Where no one reaches without sweet words or music,
Is spilt; brutalised.
Oh, sweet nectar, you are gone forever.

The stigma I will ignore
I stand and the fight starts 
Stops with me.
My daughters will not suffer
The cold-eyed slice.
Mountains echo with my war cry
My agony; the deflowered flower.

My Sun Will Rise
By B.K.

When I was a teenager
Mama warned:
Invest to the fullest daughter
Knowledge is power
Fulfil dreams
You are an eagle

Later I became a youth
Mama warned again:
Remember a foolish pretty face
Private parts suffer most
My child - stay focused
The sky is the limit – fly – you can do it.
But lust got the best of me
I heard folks say
'Twas sweeter than honey
So I badly wanted to try
I forgot Mama’s warnings

Oh, oh, oh
The sound of the sweet scream
The whole night
As I felt the thick layer tear
Goodbye childhood
And my life was never the same

They all wondered
What was underneath?
What made my eyes sparkle?
What is the fragrance?
More so, my wit surprised ‘em
Men followed
Couldn’t resist my teasing mystery

Pride and beauty?
Yeah, you are right
But the greatest of all
Feminine grace
'Tis what I possess

But my 21st chapter
Read a different story
Within a blink of an eye
All my dreams, hope and love
Were shattered into pieces
Incredible how fast it happened

Its folly to fight the infinite right?
But wise to leave this battle
For infinite God
My fate is in his hands
I am a woman
An eagle
And my sun will rise again

For I was Made by Thee
By D.B.

Walking in the street under the sunlight
My mind drifts back to that night
I look at who I am this moment
I don't care how people comment
For I was made by Thee.

I made my mistakes and I have changed
I deserve to be given a second chance
I meditate about my future
Now my life has a good structure
For I was made by Thee.

I fell apart so many times
But I managed to keep my smile
They pulled me down into the dirt
I got up with pride and dusted off my shirt
For I was made by Thee.

Principles are what keep me going
Knowing I have a life worth living
Those I know can turn their backs
For me, I will keep running this track
For I was made by Thee.


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