What we do

Our students are women serving prison sentences in Langata for a variety of offences. Some of our students have sentences ranging from a few years to Life, with some serving on the Condemned ward and some from Remand section. Our students range in age, nationality, background, and level of education. As well as Kenyan students, we have students from China, South America, South Africa and Tanzania.

We do not judge our students or dwell on their crimes. We work together to cultivate and support their creativity, musicality and learning.

Creative writing normally starts with a writing prompt, followed by individual writing. We then read the work aloud in a circle and offer feedback. The exercise often leads to a discussion about the topic. If we have time, we will either give individual feedback on student's other work or if there is time, start another writing exercise. We often read extracts of poetry or novels to illustrate the curriculum we cover.

We work closely with the Prison Authorities to ensure that our work is aligned with prison rules and objectives.

Our music class has taken ABRSM Music Grade 1 and regularly performs at prison functions.

Our twice a week class is known as 'Book Club' and we teach Creative Writing, Music, French and Art.

The teachers of Book Club are Peter (Founder); Tilda (Creative Writing); Eric (Music); Elijah (Music); French (Thomas).

'Tuesday's and Thursday's are the best days of our week. I always look forward to Book Club. It really lifts us up. It is the only time we feel free.'
A.C. Inmate

        Peter teaching in class


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