Throw of the Dice : 3rd March 2020

Today in class we thought about, wrote about, and talked about chance. Interestingly, not one of the class linked the topic to the reasons they are in prison. It felt like the beginning of a topic and I expect the class will bring it up again later. The writing prompt was a pair of dice and nearly everyone in the class wrote, 'Life is a game of chance' somewhere.
It is always interesting to see how the students approach each writing task so differently. We had quite a few pieces in what we call the Commentary genre, so many that we had to further sub-classify into general commentary, spoken word - usually more polemic than didactic, and letters. The dice prompt produced all three, as well as short stories and poetry.
One student wrote about the power of dice and we talked about giving power over to chance.
We also spent time this morning reading and recognising the featured pieces in this blog so far. Each student whose piece is chosen to represent the class output receives a small prize and a print out of their work.
The piece chosen this week, is by a new student, R.N. who wrote a commentary piece on the topic which showed that even in the short time given for the exercise she managed to put her thoughts down with eloquence.

The Throw of the Dice
by R.N.

There are times we feel so weak. The strength to fight dies and our zeal turns to zero. The winds of misery blow out the light at the end of the tunnel. All that is left is darkness, and no track back.

We want to stretch our hands and spread some love to that poor beggar. But we remember it is our last coin, with no idea where the next will come from. We kneel down to pray for others, but then we remember the many unanswered prayers, and wonder if our prayers have any impact at all.

But do not despair in those times when you have no more strength to hold on. There is an angel to hold us up, to protect us when the enemy waits for us to give up.

Be a writer of your life and a reader of your mind. The more you know yourself the less you need the approval of others. Throw the dice, my friend, but only if you can afford to lose.

Creative writing class from Langata Women's Prison, Kenya


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